

German East Africa (Tanganyika), located on the coast of east-central Africa between the British East Africa (now Kenya) and Portuguese (now Mozambique) had an area of 362,284 sq. mi. (938,216 sq. km.) and a population of about 6 million. Capital: Dar es Salam. Chief products prior to German control were ivory and slaves; after German control, sisal, coffee and rubber. ,The East African coast first felt the impact of foreign influence in the eighth century, when Arab traders arrived. By the 12th century, traders and immigrants from the Near East and India had built highly developed city/trading states along the coast. By 1506, Portugal claimed control along the entire coast, but made no attempt to establish a colony or to explore the interior.,, ,Germany acquired control of the area by treaties in 1884, and established it as a protectorate administered by the German East Africa Company. In 1891, the German government assumed direct administration of the area, which was proclaimed the Colony of German East Africa in 1897.,, ,German colonial domination of Tanganyika ended with World War I. Control of most of the territory passed to Great Britain, under a League of Nations mandate. British control was continued after World War II, under a United Nations trusteeship. Thereafter, Tanganyika moved gradually toward self-government. It became autonomous in May 1961. Full independence was achieved on Dec, 9 on the same year.,, Rulers:,,, ,German, 1844-1918,, ,British, 1918-1961,, Monetary System:,,, ,1 Rupie = 100 Heller,,